Personal Development Program
The Yellow Brick Road to Change is a collection of personal development tools designed to develop pro-social skills and facilitate learning about the consequences of choices. The model has been developed to address various issues including character development, identity, self-worth, decision-making, problem solving, respect, boundaries, values, conflict resolution and independent living.
To date, we have developed 50 lesson plans under the following 12 categories;
The modules of The Yellow Brick Road to Change are designed to be flexible so that they can be tailored to the specific needs of the participants. Each module is completed at the pace of the participant and with each module is what we call a “Challenge Card” in order for the participant to move to the next module they must complete and be signed off on the challenge card that corresponds to that module.
Having “Challenges” for each module brings a responsibility to the participants to their own learning and progression in the program. Challenges help to bring a sense of ownership and a self-motivation.
In an interactive setting, participants learn new life skills and develop positive social behaviours through positive role modelling and the life skill challenges. Sessions are delivered through a combination of:
The Yellow Brick Road to Change is not itself a therapeutic program, but aims to work in collaboration with therapeutic programs to empower and facilitate participants’ engagement with the supports that are necessary for them to both develop and maintain a positive lifestyle both in and outside of prison.
The Yellow Brick Road to Change curriculum is currently being used through our mentoring program in the community, girls in the community, at Bandyup Women’s Prison, and Banksia Hill Detention Centre.
Program Deliverables:
The Yellow Brick Road to Change programs, via the use of challenges, aims to lead the women away from crime to living the life of a good citizen in our community, by helping them;
- Discovering your outer strength
Discovering your inner strength
Discovering your value
- Discovering you have something valuable to offer
- Discovering new opportunities for the future.
The discussions and activities undertaken in each challenge seek to address issues that may have led to previous offending behaviours and provide alternative pathways (re-education, life skills, health promotion).
For more than 10 years, research has demonstrated that carefully structured, well-run mentoring programs can positively affect social, behavioural and academic outcomes for participants. Research has also shown how mentoring works through the development of a trusting relationship between the person and the mentor who provides consistent, non-judgmental support and guidance, which is the foundation on which The Yellow Brick Road to Change has been designed.